Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Rose is a Rose....Not Always!

Okay so I have been going to these Wilton classes which, to say the least, have been quite interesting.  I'm learning some time saving tricks which I love but mostly concentrating on design.  It turns out I'm not so great at the whole flower thingy because it seems I have this tendency to "draw" and that is a no-no.  You are supposed to let the icing flow and just guide it....okaaaay, easier said than done.

So here is a sad photo of my 1st attempt at a rose:

Sorry not only for the poor quality of the photo (used my camera phone) but also for the poor quality of this blob of a flower.  My instructor was nice though saying that it wasn't that bad it looks like a "cabbage rose".  Well just like actual cabbage they both stink :p

So since I don't like to quit, here is my 2nd attempt:

Okay getting better but another thing I learned is how important the consistency of the icing should be. Mine for some reason tends to be on the loosey goosey side so my flowers tend to flop.

And last but not least...3 times a charm:

Tadah! By George I think she's got it!  Now if I could get my roses to look like this...

Then I would be a very happy camper!!!

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