Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Soooo....I went to the class last night & of course I am now also signed up for the other two that they offer.  Yep that is how I roll ; ) While the cost of the classes are very reasonable, $22.50 for 4 two hour classes.  Not bad, BUT that does not include the cost of the items you will NEED to have. 

Now as I have stated before my aim is to produce smaller bite size treats, I think it is good to expand my knowledge & learn the details of decorating a cake. I believe I will be able to adapt most of what I learn into gorgeous cupcakes, beautiful mini cakes & adorable pops!

Kudos & a big thank you goes out to my hubby Tim for giving me

ChaChing...towards my purchase.  What exactly did I purchase you ask???

Yes one Wilton ULTIMATE Decorating Set that comes with:

All of these GOODIES!!!!  A tad bit overwhelming but hey that's what the classes are for. Now as the front of the box states this is a $250 value but Michael's sells this set for....

But thanks to one of these.....

I was able to use my hubby's ChaChing for the purchase.  Did I mention the kudos & big thank you to my hubby?  Love you honey...more!

Now I figure this is all a good investment because I will be utilizing it BUT I am also hoping to use it as a tease to get my sister Dayna to move out to the great state of Texas & join me in my confectionery adventure ; )  Now she is the Master at doing unbelievable is an example of her artwork:

Here is her handmade beautiful pink butterfly cake...she added all the extras to really make it pop!

And her adorable truck cake fully equipped with yummy gummies :)

So that is just a snippet of her you can see I need to get her here so we can make some ChaChing!!!

1 comment:

Dcorrine3 said...

have to get my ducks in a row then i can come out there and make CHA-CHING with you sis! Your doing awesome! xoxoxox